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Lost White Tribes of Australia Part Two. ‘Individuals of an Alien White Race

The Lost White Tribes of Australia – research for Part 2 underway

Thank you to all the readers, especially from WA who have sent in quite a large number of letters many of which have provided useful information to be used in the second edition of The Lost White Tribes of Australia, Part 1: 1656 The First Settlement of Australia.

I didn’t realise that there were so many people searching for signs of the survivors of the Vergulde Draeck which became shipwrecked on the WA coast in 1656. For some, their search has been almost a lifelong pursuit.

New research for The Lost White Tribes Part 2 will begin in April starting in WA. I already have some good leads there thanks to some enthusiastic readers.

There is one apology that I need to make. I mistakenly believed and printed that Tim Coleman had died. However, it was his daughter who had unfortunately passed away. I will be visiting Tim next month to renew our friendship.

I will try and answer all the letters regarding the fate of the survivors of the Vergulde Draeck. All the leads already provided will be acknowledged in future editions or in Part 2 of the Lost White Tribes.

Part 2 will feature the Lost White Tribes in the Kimberley and South-western Victoria (18th century). It will be in the same format as Part 1 and will be about 200 pages in full colour.

Best wishes,

Henry Van Zanden – author of the Lost White Tribes of Australia Part 1: 1656 The First Settlement of Australia.

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